Allen @ hiatusさんのプロフィール画像

Allen @ hiatusさんのイラストまとめ

19 ✧ She/he ✧ i draw pokemon gijinkas ✧ pfp @diyuxi

フォロー数:89 フォロワー数:71

Hmmmm yeah idk self indulgent OC art

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some gijinka headshots of my alolan raichu and porygon2!!!

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You are the ocean's gray waves.

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Alfonse I did for a warmup. YEAH i still love him 😤💕

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OKAY SO his design/personality is based off of Cinderella, Aurora, and Alice!! blondes have more fun

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ahahh what i,,f i mad, eaa twwst mc, bbassed off of cinderellla 🥺👉👈

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🐝 buzz buzz! Meet the owner of BUG CAFE, Juno Q. Honey! A hardworking queen bee who's older than she looks 🫖

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my parents are asleep post more tsunderes

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Sketch vs final! I always keeps sketches clean and occasionally color them

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