

He/Him | Art1st | MTG Color Pie Connoisseur 💧🔥☀ | Learning Spanish and Japanese | Remembering English | #BLM | #StopAsianHate | Art Account: Douglysiumart

フォロー数:1674 フォロワー数:377

Anyway, follow me if you want to see some more potential African and/or black servant designs.

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I also create a lot of black Fate fanservants out of spite and I find it an interesting way to learn a little bit and pique some interest in various historical figures. Especially, since I feel like Fate and the US tend to overlook the impact and reach black people have had in-

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Promoting myself for again.

I'm Douglysium and I like analyzing media and art and I love looking/creating character and creature designs.

15 21

are say a prey animal you are probably meant to be hunted and eaten because the food chain and stuff. For every Heroic Intervention there is a time to feed. However, White is a philosophy that advocates saving people more often. Plus, White is also a color that pairs very well-

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