

Visual Artist. . . CPFC . . . T1D . . .

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Nearly 10 years ago I went to my first life drawing class. I was terrified, I'd not drawn in front of people or with anything but a ballpoint pen on fag packets but it went well. The tutor took me aside and asked WTF are doing in here?

A2: Pencil, charcoal and oil pastel.

0 24

Farming octopuses?

Some cephalopods have a camera-type eye REALLY similar to the vertebrate eye.

Convergent evolution or parallel evolution? How it all work?

Pondering such things is one reason why I get fuck all done all day🙄

Vertebrate L Octopus R

1 5

I might be mad and pointless but fucking hell I can now sleep. Sleep! Never had a problem till I went to the GP. . . put 10 years on me and 20 on my collagen. Sleep. Magical stuff. . . A4 Pen, ink and watercolour. . . Give me a buzz after noon yeah? Sleep well. . .

8 57

Freak out! A4: Pen, ink and watercolour drawing. . .

1 51

Post dinner chat. . . (Quite clear who was was winning the argumentat) . . . A5: Pen and watercolour drawing. . .

1 39

Coffee 2. . . A5: Pen & watercolour drawing. . .

2 11

Coffee 1. . .A5: Pen and watercolour drawing. . .

2 22

Not much to draw holiday cottage. . . A5: Pen and ink drawing. . .

1 44

My perfect cousin. . . A4: Pen, ink and watercolour drawing. . .

5 52