

making stuff.…

フォロー数:982 フォロワー数:895

Snow, playing Megaman, with his Roll sexdoll, fighting a coffeepot Dr. Wily...this week, on Grape Vs. Snowman

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All set up and ready to film later

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More progress on the new intro vid

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Size difference of the Meg and the Great White. Probably

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Titlecard and more shots from the upcoming episode. Great for all horror fans

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From this week's episode of Grape vs Snowman, playing on YouTube now

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he's kinda got a Phillip j Fry haircut going on

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Snow meets "god" in this week's episode of Grape Vs. Snowman

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Meet Krent, a character from our show that's very much like Squidward.

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a few of the background characters for next week's Grape Vs. Snowman

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