

Just some loser dude attempting social media ha!
I'm an Illustrator, Concept Artist and above all nerd, watch for daily fails on art lol
Icon by NexMania

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Been rewatching with my brother and it's been really fun to see again. And for fun thought I'd show and old poster I made!

I got to print this and get it signed by Amon's VA too was so happy

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I commissioned an Artist called Riza23 on DA few months back to draw my Digimon OC Alex and her partner BlackVeemon, for fun i colored it, Ive very much been in a digimon mood lol

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It was Deku's Birthday! (like 30 minutes ago god im slow xD) and for fun I drew him in Cloud's clothes since his Voice Actor also Does Cloud Strife from 's FF7 Machinabridged! So fun times =D


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Was listening to 's Up on the Lookout today about Ranch's Bday, and for fun made a jacketless version of summer Ranch pic

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for for his character using Super Kaioken

Do enjoy!

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I love Goten, anyone who follows me im sure knows xD had a lot of

But personally I cant stand his End of Z style its terrible, I favor his GT hair and even his Goku clone hair over the EoZ even though most of the time I see people say its his best look lol https://t.co/vXX9KCqi6Y

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Day 15 of Fusion month, Ralla! I know I missed days, but this is more cause this took days lol but have the Fusion of Ranch and Bra (Bulla) both of course based off 's what ifs :3


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Though def not the beginning of High School but one of the earliest things i could find this was maybe from about 05-06? but gotta say there is something refreshing seeing comparisons sometimes, while other times seeing old art can def give that cringe feeling

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Hit: !!!
Goten: Got'em!
Nappa: Good now hold him!

Day 10 of Fusion Month (caused Fused Nappa is a thing)! And released a ep yesterday I went overboard so have Hit vs Fused Nappa & Goten! I would include Gohan but 3 characters was hard enough xDD


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Day 9: Skipped a few days as I was celebrating my little sis graduating, I'll most likely try to catch up but we'll xDD
but for today Coolieza! But with altered colors as it all felt too Frieza and not enough Cooler AND Frieza

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