Coffin Boffinさんのプロフィール画像

Coffin Boffinさんのイラストまとめ

Associate Professor of Research @UniofHerts; Convener @OGOMProject; Botanist & Gothicist: Vampires, Werewolves, Angels, Yōkai. Gothic Fairies, Wolf Children

フォロー数:1650 フォロワー数:32526

PUSS IN BOOTS or the robber kitten; the most renowned animal trickster in folklore. Popularised in Perrault (1628–1703) as Le Chat Botté, in English in Mother Goose, 1780 & Blue Fairy Book, 1889. Ills. Doré c.1870; Robber Kitten card c.1887

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ELFLAND or Alfheim 'elf-home' is associated with the lonely land of the dead in mythology; no sun, only perpetual twilight. Mortals who enter are only released if they are able to perform some task of value to the fae (Henderson, 1897)🎨 Gustave Doré, 1870

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DOGDYKE WEREWOLF Recorded in 1926, Langrick Fen, Lincolnshire. The skeleton of a half-wolf half-man creature was found buried in the peat. The story coheres remarkably with the British documented by Elliott O’Donnell in 1912

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FAIRY TALE BIRD WOMEN Sergey Sergeyevich Solomko's (1867-1928) fairy tale paintings include Mary the Swan Princess; he merges the blue bird of happiness with the tragic swan princess to create his Bluebird Maiden

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OWL CHARIOT used by moonlight fairies for transport inspired by William Allingham (1824 - 1889); OWL-RIDING Night-time Fae in Amelia Jane Murray (1800-1896)

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MIDSUMMER'S EVE is approaching, encounters between humans & fairies are likely as the veil between our world and theirs is lifted. To celebrate my favourite Messel image from Midsummer Night's Dream & Landseer's diminutive Puck accompanied by playful rabbit-riding fae

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In the MABINOGION Celtic wizard Gwydion creates a woman out of flowers, Blodeuedd, who becomes a flower-faced owl. When Alan Garner found plates the design of which could be seen as either owls or flowers (pic 3) The Owl Service 1960 was born S.Bechtold

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FAIRY TALE BAT Image from 'National Fairy Tales and Legends' by V. B. Trebizskeho (1870). Showing ferocious bat-winged serpent or dragon by Viktor Oliva (1861 – 1928), a Czech painter and illustrator.

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THE SHADOWY WATERS (1904) During his occult phase folklorist & poet W. B. Yeats, wrote of a voyage by a ghost ship of undead sailors near the world's end to an island of women who cast no shadows & manifest as woman-headed birds 🎨Hans Thoma 1839-1924

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SUPER FLOWER MOON the 5th Full Moon of the year is also known as Corn Moon, Hare Moon, or Milk Moon. A lunar eclipse will see the full Flower Moon temporarily turn RED overnight starting at 9:30 p.m TONIGHT. A will emerge. Beware of activity!!!

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