

mistake to draw correctly, i like to scribe precisly, Art-L.O.V.E.R, wolf furry, 23y BOÏ, NSFW , 🇫🇷 Gardez vous de l'homme secret et du chien muet. 🤍 amour

フォロー数:2665 フォロワー数:279

une autre victime ce présente devant le juge :

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vas y tu pense quoi du mien ? zarma.

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curieux de savoir ce que des gens peuvent pensé de mon hybride

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We agree each other style~ 👔💶📊

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here's is 2 of my boys, hope you like them :p

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(I was interested by a full color half body / a flatcolor full body x) and maybe artist freedom if you enjoy ma boï x)

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i don't know you, but now i enjoy your art, and i'll enjoy futur art from u :)

(for the idea why not making that impish boy undergo a science experiment with multiple machine like one pumping him ? uhuhuh)

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