

Proud Author of #StarWarden. Loves escapist, fun, and heroic fiction in any medium. Now has written and published his own. Pulp speed ahead!

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QRT showing your OC's first design vs now. https://t.co/uRmuAwltV2

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They can call me sexist all they like. I'm not changing Kaguya's character. She's a fun character and her being a devoted wife doesn't dimish that. Let the wolves of modern writers come. They'll find I'm made of sterner stuff. https://t.co/mUhnSy7QcY

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I hear &
Well, here you go four original characters from my serial. Created from a love of heroic fiction, isekai fiction, and my contempt for a certain house of mouse. Read it here.
Art by

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Reply and I'll try to give you a theme...I got
Favorite High Fantasy characters. https://t.co/XG3PUfv0rp

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If anyone is starved of wholesome content of a good man having a good woman at his side. Who loves him without hesitation and cares about his well-being. I have some here.
https://t.co/BbDJekTzbP https://t.co/mJx4VYu2si

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An Earthborn Knight and a Faerie Princess. Met as children both having lost a mother. Promised to each other by their fathers. Fell in love with each other's good nature. Married in the darkest times imaginable. Stayed together ready to face all comers. Only death will they part. https://t.co/UlO3FwKqla

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While most see Cobra Commander at first glance. Daimos's look was mostly inspired by Dr.Robotnik specifically his SATAM incarnation. With some elements of Megabyte from ReBoot.

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I never did a set of images on what inspired Princess Kaguya. So here you go.
Character sheet by

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okay, Pizza is cooked all other business is finished. Time for the two important things in the day. Writing and Anime.

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