

Dracoids - a d20 tabletop RPG set within the Inner World of a Plural system • coming soon to Kickstarter! • created by @systemdraco

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Perk Paths: Life Leech - Twilight Walker

Shadows are one with the Shadow Domain - the plane directly below the Midworld. Those trained in Shadows can bring their own shadow as a duplicate of themselves to do their bidding, and excell in sapping life from others.

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Perk Paths: Inventor - Hacker

Technomancers are responsible for the advances throughout the world of Verum, infusing science and robotics with magick. Some technomancers create their own constructs, while others take control of the smart AI around them.

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Perk Paths: Illusionist - Dreamer

Intuitives can capture and twist one's perception of reality. Utilizing the power from the Astral Space, an Intuitive can create illusions and alter mental energy as if one was trapped in a dream. Masters in mental protections.

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Off to a great start! Immediately after uploading decided we liked the version with the tan background better -- so here's the 3 of these with that, and those moving forward will all have it!

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