

Illustrator. Actual artist. I retweet a lot of art. Mainly video game related, Final Fantasy especially. 💕 dm me for commission info~

フォロー数:157 フォロワー数:124
# rwby

The more I hear about the Gunbreaker job in Final Fantasy XIV the more I fall for it. 🥰

None of the jobs resinated with me until this one came along and I can’t wait to get stuck in.

I also kept saying that my character needed a long floaty coat, lo and behold:

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YO, Final Fantasy VIII fans, drop what you’re doing. XIV is adding gunblades in Shadowbringers. IT’S HAPPENING AND I AM ALL HERE FOR IT! 😍😍

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Back to the Final Fantasy VIII Triple Triad cards~😌
This has been a pet project of mine for too long.

Completely redid Squall’s face and I’m liking him a lot more now. Second pic is what it used to be, for comparison.

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Oobleck and Zwei’s team attack name is now called ‘Train Wreck’. I don’t make the rules. 🤣

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No, I didn’t buy the Dissidia NT strat guide just for the Squall pages, I don’t know what you’re talking about. ‘Was it worth it?’ I hear you ask. Absolutely.

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Looks like I'm drawing characters again. Here's Knuckles the Echidna. 🥰

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Am I shading this right? I think I got it. There's probably a faster way to do this, but I'm a cel shading noob. Happy with the colours now. For 3/4 of STRQ, at least.

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