

🦒 413 Happy Draffes having child-like fun!

We've adopted 5 Draffes, 1 Okapi & 1 Cobra from WWF


フォロー数:36 フォロワー数:6483

This honorary is for a fan of , who is famous for reacting with the 🍞 emoji.

is part of our mod team and keeps an eye on the Asian Timezones.

He's a friend from way before we did crypto, and I'm happy to have him around💛🍞

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Heading into the weekend like this, thanks for the ride Draffe.

Introducing: Sloth Neck Trait. https://t.co/Hs6209L0Z5

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GM Savannah!

Let's bring some Discord fun to Twitter. Can we make the longest Draffe? 🤔

Choose one of the necks below and keep the neck going! or... create your own, the template is below :)

We will reveal a rare trait at some point in the day in the middle of it💛

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We are now over 1000 Draffes in the Savannah (Discord). Thank you all for all the support. Every message, fan art, and meme means the world to me.

Let's keep having fun while building something special! 💛

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GM Savannah!

How did this turtle get all the way up there? I'm sure it's enjoying seeing a whole new world.

Fact: Other animals love Giraffes because they are the first to spot danger due to their height!

Introducing: GM turtle! head trait
Also introducing: GM Discord Sticker!

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Our 2nd Honorary Draffe is for .

We immediately became frens when I told him I wanted to draw a Dragon with a Hoodie, and he made the fantastic that his Draffe is proudly sporting on the hoodie.

Check below for the actual sketch he did 👀

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Most of the Draffes we have seen from are cute; others are... special :) but all are FUN.

Draffe is very happy and wants to meet you all.

Say hi! 🦒💛

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It seems like the daisy has attracted some flappy frens. Our Draffe is getting a little bit nervous with them flying around, but thinks they are cute.

Introducing: Butterflies Head Trait

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After cleaning the seaweed off, Draffe sat on a prairie nearby to just take in the view of the lake, smelled some flowers, picked up a little Daisy, and put it up to its ear.

Draffe is feeling pretty; Draffe Is happy.🌼🦒

Introducing: Daisy trait.

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Oh no! Once the Frog carried on with its life, our Draffe jumped into a lake for a swim and got itself into a mess!

Introducing: Seaweed hat trait.

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