Pikamee is one of the greatest V-tubers out there. The fact she is graduating hurts a lot.
The fact she is graduating due to bullying enrages me.
What makes it worse, no one will take responsibility and the bullying will continue.
Wish Pikamee the best in her future journeys.
P.S.- If you defend someone who has lied, manipulated and faked death threats in order to get their way..
Block Me.
Get the fuck away from me.
You ain't welcome around me. Piss off.
Major Breaking News!
Chie Satonaka has been given the green light to return to the ring.
Former 4-time IPW Heavyweight Champion Chie Satonaka has been given the green light to return after a knee injury took her out of action for the past 4 months.
Chie successfully->
Looks like we're not done with Koyanskaya everyone.
Assassin version
Her own lostbelt
and now...a Foreigner version.
To the person who attacked her (I kwow who you are.)
You're a piece of shit for trying to bring her into your drama and you're an even bigger piece of shit for ganging up on her.
You can kindly go fuck yourself.
"I enjoy making people bow at my feet, and I don't care if you think yourself a queen, call yourself a villain or claim to be a goddess. I am all of those things and more and I will show you why the final graduate of 2021 waited until now to grace you with her presence!"
"After this massive pipebomb I just dropped on you, I'm pretty sure @OutCastNationUK is gonna feel the same way."
"I hope Santa leaves enough coal in BOTH your stockings so you can set the remainders of your soon to be dead career on fire."
"Damn that felt good!"
-Ruby Rose
"Well looks like Ashy-girl put her foot in her mouth...again and screwed the pooch at the same time."
"Congratulations, you blew it for the third time."
"Shame really...I would have loved to shove that broomstick up your ass."
-Ruby Rose