

She/her. Age 26. SFW. GameDev. Vector artist. Learning 3D art for games. Posts Art of Dragons, Kitsune, Game stuff. - I'm not on Twitter often.

フォロー数:96 フォロワー数:26

Colors and design update. Sakura flowers for his gourd. And for her, a cute scarf. On to background assets next.

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Here she is so far, but these colors are just placeholders for now since I'm undecided.

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Walk animation for Lily from our Game Production class group project.

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I've been working on a small Raccoon game this summer. It will likely be very short and art focused. And with everything I've learned the past semester, I'm sure I can pull it off. :)

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Drew this cute baby deer a few weeks ago.

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I drew this colorful boi to cope with a difficult boredom.

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