

I forgot I made this, I draw! That's pretty much it.

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:3208

>This is how they're gonna mute his mic this time when it's not his turn.

8 43

Tomorrow is gonna be hell, Even at night it's still 90 degrees

2 40

*Random old redraw that is somehow still relatable*

33 202

The coolest part for me there was at the start I was able to say hi and she said hi back before the chat got muted , WITNESSED

0 39

*glasses breaks*
"ANYTHING CAN STOP ME! I wouldn't be able to tell what though."

20 107

Bold of you to assume I can ever be normal or ever was before Steven Universe.

2 48

The HAW to my YEE, Happy 4th

168 910

Too Short to Ride 2: The Reckoning

89 350