

I'm a short nerd that drinks to much coffee.
If the world was a puzzle i'd be the Odd piece.
Voice actor/Video editor/3D animator

フォロー数:557 フォロワー数:233

Welp about time i made meh new icon, Ahhhh so much to do, so little time

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Stopping to take a look back on some I did. Got to say, I'm starting to feel a little better about my art style, but I still got a long way to go.

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Welp this is one down, here's and Oc's. this was made for fun so i did not go ALL OUT hahaha.

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The best thing about waking up...getting more coffee.
Made a drawing of OC for fun.

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From 2017 to 2021. (OC, Kurome)
I still feel I got a LONG way to go but little by little I'm doing what I can.

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Have not made gore art in a long time... I blame Halloween but it's about time I gave it another go.

(This was an old art I made about 4 years ago)

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I feel like he's going to ask me, what's 10000-7

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Welp made meh new icon for lol can I sit with the cool kids now?.

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Having more fun with VA work, Now that i'm done with the video, On to the comic dubs. Still working on a lot of things at once.

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