DreamSyndd ✨さんのプロフィール画像

DreamSyndd ✨さんのイラストまとめ

Syndd! She/Her♓️🇨🇱 I enjoy drawing girls in love with each other a lot ❤ 💕 🏳️‍🌈 | 🔞 (Sometimes) | COMMS: OPEN ❤️ @AoiMisaka 💍❤️

フォロー数:1082 フォロワー数:34961

Gundam lesbians giving me a reason to come back to this website

898 3525

I love drawing girls in love and post stuff every 1000 years ✌️💕

701 3365

Some fanart bc I love them ❤️

2258 11526

I know I'm terrible at posting regularly but pls accept my nazumichi shenanigans while I go crash into bed now

4195 14016