

Supernatural Film, Story, Art: Fairytale, Fantasy, Folklore, Folk Horror, Magic-realism, Mythology @AndyMarkSimpson

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Robin Goodfellow, aka Puck (from both Germanic and Celtic origins) is a trickster fairy character from folklore and literature. Has similar appearance to Peter Pan and Robin Hood.

He's a great character to celebrate among the greenery of Spring

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The Morrígan is an Irish goddess who can transform into a raven or crow. She is known for leading people into battle.

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One of the scariest winter folklore characters is the Stalo from Sami folktales. Bigger and more viscous than trolls, they are known to eat everyone and everything. (Art by Fradga).

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There have been personifications of Christmas for over 600 years, in song, art, plays. A symbol of merriment and good cheer and a sentiment that ‘Christmas was better in the old days’. An old man with a long white beard and red or green robes.

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'The Wild Hunt' image occurs in folklore across Europe - wailing ghoslty souls in a hunt across winter skies, said to be led by a figure such as Odin (providing very tenuous claims of links with Santa Claus).

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Peg Powler is the North East England equivalent of Jinny Greenteeth- a water hag who lurked in rivers and ponds ready to drown unsuspecting travellers and children

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In Norse and other European mythology, The Wild Hunt is a terrifying chase of ghostly riders, capable of sucking up souls and an omen of war. Often it is led by a supernatural figure such as Odin

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Sleep Paralysis is when your body has switched off, your mind half awake and your dreams still running - you lie paralysed and hallucinating (giant spiders in my case). In mythology there are descriptions of demons or hags suffocating sleepers

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Mankind poses more danger to selkies than selkies do to humans- the mesmerising seal maidens suffer capture and control

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In a yuletide 'game' the mysterious wild Green Knight resurrects after being beheaded by Sir Gawain so Gawain must find him at the Green Chapel to take his turn...Arthurian tale of honour, courage and keeping your word (& stupidity) art: Issimm

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