

Shadow the Hedgehog will be my first Sonic game
Twitch Partner, currently streaming SMT5 Vengeance: twitch.tv/dreamboum
Art by: @SuperChronodia

フォロー数:1263 フォロワー数:12470

Final Fantasy XVI marks the first time a fully original Final Fantasy is being made that wasn't announced or worked on since 2006.

That was 13 years ago.

This is the start of a new era right there, helmed by the people who brought back FF14 from certain death.

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every single day Dragon Quest X is not out in english is a day Square Enix is robbing me of my god given right to play as an ogre girl

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I have FEELINGS for Lady Love Dies in Paradise Killer

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Look at her she is so cool

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For the 22th anniversary of Parasite Eve, I want to share these official art of Aya Brea to show how badass and strong she looked and was.

Parasite Eve 1 was such an awesome game centered on the conflict of two women, something unheard of in a JRPG.

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Me every time I see someone mention Paradise Killer not knowing I will gush about it for hours

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It's even more gorgeous when you look at it in greater detail

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Akihiko Yoshida, the character designer of FFXII and NieR Automata among others, is still an illustrator for Final Fantasy XIV and still providing some of the most beautiful promotional art I've seen.

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me posting on twitter after two months of Ring Fit Adventure and Fitness Boxing

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A lot of people says my WoL has a scary look but he can't help it, he just looks like that all the time regardless of how he feels

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