

pfp: @sts_piaesaya, banner: @m4ck4che
basic dni

フォロー数:70 フォロワー数:64

ee the li fans has a chance to eat good today

1 3

im now obliged to post the trilogy

0 1

You can do it. just remember who he is

0 1

(pov: you're using meta services /hj

0 2

mairo i have only finished less than 8 arts for this year so far :rodribab:

2 3

i have not made these in ages
( minor thanks for appearing in my notifications and liking things once a while despite being unfamiliar)

2 5

hello i heard someones gay 😈😈😈

5 9

something I thought of today (no wait it's already past 12am

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