Andy Renard (World Cleaver)さんのプロフィール画像

Andy Renard (World Cleaver)さんのイラストまとめ

32 | Hetero | ♂️ | NSFW | NO RP | 🔞 | 90% size horny & RTs art | FFXIV: Crystal - Coeurl | @adelonda2's Master |

Icon: @Dabuttlion…

フォロー数:828 フォロワー数:3589



Day 20!

Almost forgot to do today's math!
Andy continues to surpass the orbits of our solar system, while Rebecca is becoming a living landmark!

Also, for the last third of the month, growth rates will...well, grow!

❤️: +2%
🔃: +4%
🗨️: +6%

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Day 19!

Andy can use VY Canis as as exercise ball, and he's close to out growing...oh...Uranus' orbit...

Rebecca is standing tall amongst several skyscrapers, won't be long until she's towering over them!

❤️: +1%
🔃: +2%
🗨️: +3%

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Day 18!

Andy is now the largest known "star" in existence! But he still has several orbits to pass before outgrowing the solar system!

Meanwhile, Rebecca takes a walk at a wind farm with an unsuspecting rider~

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🔃: +2%
🗨️: +3%

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Day 17!

Andy creeps past Betelgeuse and just a few AUs away from surpassing VY Canis! Also coming up on Jupiter's orbit!

Meanwhile, Rebecca is having a field day with her own growth spurts!

❤️: +1%
🔃: +2%
🗨️: +3%

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Day 16!

I posted the wrong size for Andy in my profile name yesterday. My bad!

Today, Andy shows the galaxy who the REAL red giant is. Still has lots of growing to do though.

Elsewhere, Rebecca visits a gas station off the freeway!

❤️: +1%
🔃: +2%
🗨️: +3%

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Day 15

VY Canis is still a ways away for Andy, but he's slowly surpassing the orbits of of our planets!

Meanwhile, the average human is knee high to a 28 ft (8.45m) tall Rebecca. Ya better watch her step!

❤️: +1%
🔃: +2%
🗨️: +3%

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Day 14!

Two weeks in, and Andy surpasses the North Star! VY Canis is next on his list of stars to outgrow!

In the mean time, a new player has entered the game!
Rebecca gets the same proportionate growth as Andy does!

❤️: +1%
🔃: +2%
🗨️: +3%

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Day 11

Andy continues his growth spurts, surging past planetary scales. His next milestones are literal stars! He can hug our sun now, but there are much bigger stars out there!

❤️: +1%
🔃: +2%
🗨️: +3%

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Day 9

So remember when I said Andy would outgrow the planet in a few days? 😅

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🔃: +2%
🗨️: +3%

Even to this day, I underestimate the power of exponential growth. Thought it'd be a bit longer before showing 's pic of Andy marking his home planet

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