

Just an illustration student who wants to share their work. I'll try to tag stuff accordingly • 21 • Any/All

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Scenery Volume 5

(I need to make another character)

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Much like my first drawing of 2019. This was my LAST drawing of 2018, nothing much...just me, in a dress

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A rivalry fight across parallel universes featuring my own characters: Ichiro Kotaro (left) and Maddox Emmer (right)

My first drawing of 2019 (January 12th), and I’m still trying to top it

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Lastly, a portrait project. We had to draw a character in a way that showed their personality. So I drew Ichiro again (you remember him?) with his hair up. He’s also reading some books, because that’s how he passes the time. He’s a smart lad.

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In my off time, I made these simple scenery pics in Illustrator. They could maybe be used as backgrounds for a computer or phone, I don’t mind if people use it for that

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Next we messed around with filters in PS, so this is how mine came out after a few filters

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Our first project was “Metamorphosis”, it had to be three, or more, panels shows change form one thing to another. (Made in Photoshop)

This is one of my many characters, Ichiro Kotaro, from one of my stories, changing into a sources called a “Grim”

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