

Nox/R/Relic | He/It | Queer | 25 | Fanart/OCs| 🇬🇷 🇵🇭
Faceless Investigator - Caution: Defective - Occasionally 🔞

フォロー数:816 フォロワー数:502

Vulture w/ longer hair due to laziness
His teammates want to give him a haircut when he is asleep cause he doesn't take care of it when it gets long

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Gavin's the type of dickhead where you wish he didn't have more to him because the more underneath is being insufferable

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>I'm inside of your system, I'm inside of your lair
>To haunt you is my destiny

Entry Addition [Warning] : Despite Vulture's physical abilities, it is important for researchers and officers to understand that Vulture's effects are largely mental in nature.

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yeah! my sona has a lot of different looks. shapeshifting and all

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14. Proxy
One of Comedy's partners. She travels just for the sake of moving constantly. Between Comedy's boundless energy and her restlessness, their third partner is more or less dragged along on their adventures.

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13. Anx
a physical manifestation of some sort of anxiety. It actually doesn't do much in the story its in except make Nocture extremely uncomfortable for the whole time it shows up.

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11. Hatchet
A guard of rifts with knowledge from those passing through its charge. Hatchet sees the ones brave enough to venture its way as entertainment, and may give information if it sees something interesting in someone.

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10. Nettle
An outsider cat that more or less got picked up by the colony (but not really). They find him a bit annoying because he comes and goes, but Fox thinks he is funny. His weird behaviors gain him a lot of suspicion.

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9. Fox
A young colony cat that make it his goal to be friendly with as many people as possible. He likes to talk and he likes to fish. Though his friendliness has led him to some dicey situations

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