

nuclear machine servitor & artist/writer; my personal OCs & drawings here are part my Three (3) Main Projects.

フォロー数:446 フォロワー数:847

It's the One-Year Eightywanniversary! nice to take a break from the industrial grind and enjoy some cake.

2 33

an afternoon of wandering the floodplains

4 47

some monster designs and a fat lizard

1 20

some drawpile sketches

3 55

the local apothecary, charging considerably less than his registered counterparts in the cities

3 46

its been a rough few weeks, i think im going to stay away from finished digital work for a while... all my projects are still ongoing, and I will stick to their development...

4 49

a friend in the deep forest

4 57

things are now moving ahead with the fantasy-world comic, so i'll try to keep updates on when it gets closer to readiness in the next months

1 41