

フォロー数:17 フォロワー数:2

You love him, everyone knows, baby. Love can't be hidden, especially in you who are very frank.

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I guess the puppy will panic and be shy, but if uki persists, he will do so.

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Vox is particularly gentle when playing games with Shoto these days, although he also occasionally teases puppies.

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There is a word in China called 凡尔赛,which means that you have conquered them with charm, and you know you are very cute, but you will pretend to be distressed and tell us why they like bully you. cunning puppy

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Is that all for your ambition?
Our goal is 522 million OK?
Don't forget what you promised.

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Shoto: uki, can you repair your fish pond? I'm going to be squeezed out.

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Then let's change one.

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