

フォロー数:2045 フォロワー数:1009

Week 4 is here and I've already used all my turns 🙃

*almost* made it with no extra turns!

2 24

Hello my new friend :)

377 62

I've been looking for the perfect 3Land World for some time now.... Tonight, surprised me by sending me one from his personal collection.

I am grateful for your generosity and kindness. Thank you so much, Pom. He is perfect & I will take good care of him :)

372 64

NFT by Jordylou_Factory

3 17

Crew, ready for this adventure! Let's set sail! https://t.co/XklwBjl84D

4 27

Had to place a test order on the new marketplace before launch 👀😅

364 61

Another day, another 3Lander!... 🤷‍♂️ I needed an Ape!

367 79

I can't be in NYC this weekend with all you Dreamers but I can rock this awesome 3L NYC Tee from ! Much appreciated as always!

8 41