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@wweek @AaronMesh hahah you can’t win man.. It was an intresting visit now @POTUS has spent more time in my neighborhood than @tedwheeler
@RickiRuizOR @GroundWatchNews Ice Cream 🍦 Gate continues and people thought fox was nuts with @BarackObama tan suit #Portland liberals and #icecream @FLOTUS see what your husband has caused #economy cough ! I personally like Baskin and Robins but I’m no bougie 🤑
All of you are gaining political clout of the trauma of our state. Divison speak is beneficial but time machine you all were in politics during this time. Yet silent .. Until was politically beneficial. This is why Oregon voters aren’t showing upBetween mistrust and status quo
Wheelers motivation is 100% to bury the problem not fix it this isn’t a solution it’s a bandaid on a gapping wound of failure. Failure from the city to act .. Failure systems state wide . @TinaKotek @senbetsyjohnson @ChristineDrazan all participated passing the blame is he game
Large group camps are also worrisome I did support #SafeRestVillage I don’t feel living on sidewalks is working either . In a city that needs out of the box thinking when we have in the box 📦 politicians . @dkafoury is right Wheeler never needed a rubber stamp .
our Justice system broken and makes no sense as well as our #mentalillness lack of resources and addiction. Plus @tedwheeler is moving to basically make living on street illegal a broken police force . See where my concern over this being a solution @TheStoryKGW @GroundWatchNews https://t.co/j5gCilm9J3
@POTUS your ice cream has created discourse @RBReich #UnionStrong #workingclass #economy Joe comes to town spends more time on the East side than our mayor find it on a map @tedwheeler #IceCreamGate #Portland #POTUS #POTUSinPDX https://t.co/gxkkDO9a52
@telegram620 Amen to working class ice cream 🍦 some of us shop at walmart and winco too
@KGWNews I was a bubble 🫧 up guy Joe to … #economy #MiddleClass #UnionStrong