Duck for Presidentさんのプロフィール画像

Duck for Presidentさんのイラストまとめ

I draw the news 📰 in #PandemicDucks and cartoon some of my work can be seen in @VillagePortland @WillametteWeek @WeekenderNJ Venmo @Jennifer-Taft-13

フォロー数:2324 フォロワー数:1404

Thanks for keeping community safe unlike the fantasy pretend world where covids gone..

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God Bless Merica and Freedumb and the fat duck 🦆 hasn’t sung

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So we’re going to pretend as we walk around maskless with low booster rates that China is the problem and require testing from China . It can come thru euroupe anywhere but let’s be maskless Happy New Year. We are ducking stupid and don’t learn

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What’s sad is the comments barely any concern that tent ⛺️ fires 🔥 hurt humans . No comments of how cold it is I hope they have a safe way to stay warm..

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This evening when your in your warm house think how cold it is .. you wouldn’t leave your pet in this .. Yet in Portland many are trying to stay alive this evening and not freeze

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Thank you that shows things matter more than a vote 🗳️. We need people humans to stand up and push back on harm being done in our community Im excited to see what is ahead with POTUS creating federal solution

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Youknow who’s fault this Bumbleor Snoop on this ? By the way the stuff on ground is Graupel

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Everything is Fine winter airport edition .. It’s like this holiday is trying to tell us something ..

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