Henry Dudmanさんのプロフィール画像

Henry Dudmanさんのイラストまとめ

Okay, lets do it right this time.
Animator/Illustrator/Designer and recent graduate from UCA Farnham. Currently open for work.

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I finally got around to drawing one of the major gods in my current campaign; The queen of Fools.

Her symbol was made by one of my players and you can see his other amazing stuff at: https://t.co/9GfJaBO1lO


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Hi ya'll
Names Henry and I'm an english animation student, but tend to do some artwork on the side, normally to do with dnd stuff but it varies.
(I also dont normally do stuff like this so I kinda hope I've done it right 😅)

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Further more here's another one! The noble of the group; Lawrencio Winsdor is a human with poor social awareness and a giant badger as his best (and only) friend :)

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So since my housemates and I have been stuck in lockdown, I've started DM'ing for a new dnd campaign, and you know what that means! new characters to draw :)
This ones Nuria, the just born fire Genasi Druid!

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finished concept art for the Vaati boss concept, pretty pleased with the result tbh :)

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and heres a completely different project im working on for my house DND campaign.

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Needed to practice my digital design and decided that would be a great muse :)

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