

I like FFXI, FFXIV and making stupid things. This is a repository for such things.
**Spoilers for all of FFXI / FFXIV**

フォロー数:308 フォロワー数:252

Highly coveted Trust tanks.

4 13

I was looking at the skulls on one of these bone-huts and was thinking "huh cool, there used to be horned theropods in Vana'diel" and then I *remembered* and was like "oh right..."

2 9

Weirdly specific FFOnline things: Hades pulls out a gun and starts blasting.

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Here's an interesting little note. Did you know Nanaa Mihgo actually has a unique facetype? Although she looks like a F5A, she has different facial stripes.

Familiar facial stripes.

2 7

And here we meet Naja Salaheem's mother.

This explains a lot of things.

3 6

What did you think was going to happen putting your face that close to a pissed off cat's paws, Lilisette?

2 4

Gotta get back, back to the past.

Wings of the Goddess rewatch time.

16 56

Annual reminder that Aerns have 8 nipples on their bellies, like a cat.

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