

Drawer of things, designer of tees,
Singer/ Bass player of Bloodnut (band of gingers - @bloodnutband) and an animator @ Mukpuddy

フォロー数:1162 フォロワー数:439

Psycho Goreman (2020)
This movie is throwback 80s style radness! A young girl unearths a murderous alien monster dude and because she holds a gem he has to do her bidding. I had a stupid grin on my face for this entire film. It's so imaginative and thoroughly entertaining.

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Hey, jerks listen up. I draw things. You know this. I can draw things for you this year for Chrimbo if you like. Get in touch through my messages and have me draw pictures of your loved ones, pets, specialized Christmas cards, things of this nature. Not for free I will charge you

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Isn't it weird that OG Grimace of McDonald's lore was a villain and had multiple arms with which to steal kids milkshakes? The weirdest part for me is not the redesign because kids were legit scared but that they didn't bother changing the name. Grimace is a pained expression...

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The 2020 victory lap. These are my favs of the drawings I did. 🎃

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Day 31: Reaper
Kinda going out with a whimper here with this hastily drawn up reaper dude. I'm proud of my efforts this month though. I did all 31 days and never fell behind once.

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Please watch Starfish on Amazon.
It's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind meets The Mist.
Such a beautiful film 👌

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Day 25: Puppet
Well.... I had to make the puppet somebody...

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Day 21: Yokai
It's like a little Japanese monster... this is probably offensive but I gave it a go.

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Day 20: Fur
Figured I'd do a Furry... spooky huh?

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