

I like video games, my favorite animal is kittens 😻, I am interested in drawing, I really like anime,
(I speak more Spanish than English xd)

フォロー数:308 フォロワー数:1329

Puedo acariciar la colita y orejita de kaori🤭🫣🤔

0 1



Shiori responde a su pregunta de que está segura de que durará de 24 a 7 horas?
Shiori answers your question that she is sure it will last 24-7 hours?

3 40



Los declaro marido y mujer ya pueden besarse 🫣🤭
I declare you husband and wife and you can kiss 🫣🤭

5 32

Shiori found you spying in the hot springs. You do not have an escape
Shiori te encontró espiando en las aguas termales. no tienes escapatoria

6 57

Shiori te quiere invitar a ver un poco de Netflix 🫣 vas?
Shiori wants to invite you to watch some Netflix 🫣you're going ?

13 77