

(she/her) Dulcepanque🎀23🎀CEO of penguins🎀Modern Club Penguin & CPI enjoyer🎀Artist and writer🎀Waddling around since 2011🎀(ENG/ESP)

フォロー数:243 フォロワー数:511

you only have 24 hours left to live rockhopper

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she really is something isn't she--

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oh no he's under mind control by dj octavio

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*octo jingle from splatoon*

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he always counts on her for this stuff eh sdsfssdfsg she's probably tired of having to solve stuff for him

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shellbeard: *does All That*
rockhopper: what a nice mate, that Shelly :)

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oh i was just there before you interrupted me :)

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hello captain i wasn't doing anything illegal now can i take a look at the dead guy's diary

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i'll tell you anytime.......................

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