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Celebrating #OutspokenWomen today with the @USNatArchives #19thforthe19th campaign! Meet #MargaretMee, an accomplished botanical artist turned major advocate for Amazonia conservation: https://t.co/mgXvRFzyxx.
🎨: Aechmea nudicaulis. #Bromeliad from #SaoPaulo. Flowered May 1958.
On Sept. 21st, join us for our gallery talk, Dress and Identity in Byzantine #Egypt: https://t.co/OVVIcAiWjR. Explore the fashion of the #Byzantine empire through #textiles & jewelry like this #gold pendant, decorated with blue glass and pearl!
@EgyptEmbassyUSA @byzantinephil
#CoinOfTheWeek is back!
BZC.1948.17.4265, #Silver tram of Queen Zabel & King Het’um, Kingdom of #Armenian Cilicia, 1226-1270
Queen Zabel and King Het’um's marriage joined Armenian Cilicia’s two most powerful families.
— @AuroraCamano, PhD candidate @sfuhellenic @SFUArchaeology
Looking for greater exposure to #PreColumbian, #Garden & #Landscape, or #Byzantine studies? Explore our 1-Month #Research Awards. #PhD / relevant final degree holders, apply by October 1 to use Dumbarton Oaks research facilities in the first half of 2020: https://t.co/TvnBpwFGRi.
#Maya wars might have affected civilians & burned cities much earlier than we knew. Read this @NatGeo article (featuring a recent #PreColumbian Fellow): https://t.co/t3YNa5syRY.
📷: Maya flint of K'awiil (God K), the scepter god associated with lightning. https://t.co/SlfjcdbG4M
Apply now for 2020-2021 Plant Humanities #Fellowships. Contribute to a @Harvard, @JSTOR, & @MellonFdn initiative exploring #botany, #ArtHistory, #DigitalHumanities, & more: https://t.co/LcmBwPvVSo.
📷: 1812 French book illustrated with watercolor/gouache. https://t.co/HWA0xTJ0FY
For the @USNatArchives #19ForThe19th challenge, we celebrate #WomenAdventurers! In 1699, pioneering botanical artist #MariaSibyllaMerian traveled alone with her daughter to what's now #Suriname in #SouthAmerica. See her paintings: https://t.co/6SAPXOnMQs.
#BugginOut @iglibraries
Sometimes #bugs get into our #RareBooks! This critter lives in an #18thCentury book published in Paris, likely copied from #Chinese art: https://t.co/tcwRMBid4F. We're #BugginOut over the insect's summer style—perfectly matches its pink & green plant!
@iglibraries @SutroLibrary
It's #blackberry season! Savor these sweet #19thCentury #berries, perpetually ripening in our #RareBooks collection. Jane Elizabeth Giraud painted this #watercolor in her manuscript "The Fête of the #Flowers." Page through the whole volume: https://t.co/GFCcNMrv23.
Botanist #GregorMendel is purported to have been born #OnThisDay in 1822. His experiments with pea plants laid the groundwork for the field of #genetics.
📷: Pea plants 2 centuries earlier by artist Giovanna Garzoni. Learn: https://t.co/Eot2xQCyBJ.
#Mendel #MendelsBirthday #OTD