

Giant Green Kangaroo Troublemaker

フォロー数:556 フォロワー数:12768

It’s clear ’s favorite day is Black Friday, mostly cuz he gets to enjoy the aftermath of Thanksgiving

64 381

Maybe somebody should be putting *me* on a diet…

70 441

There. Thanksgiving preparations complete.

29 200

Health update: even though I’m still triggering a positive test, I’m feeling very close to 100%.

Hey, any excuse to relax and stay in bed. Thanks for all the well wishes!

15 125

Welp, couldn’t dodge that “rona” bullet forever! If you need me I’ll be conveniently within pampering distance

20 138

They grow up so fat, don’t they

22 161

It’s that time of year again. Hopefully you installed hinges this time, I’m not responsible for roof repair.

75 365

I’m out traveling at the moment, but be sure to give a decent happy birthday squishing while I’m gone. Kthx

24 151