

Giant Green Kangaroo Troublemaker

フォロー数:556 フォロワー数:12768

Guess I’ll just hafta find some way to entertain myself...

7 29

Hey superheroes, keep wearing capes. It’s perfect dangling material.

Looking at you, ...

6 49

Most people make multiple characters. I just claim the ones I like.

9 120

We’re probably workout buddies on Earth-2.

1 24

Are you a kangaroo? Big or small, show the world! I’ll start.

My name’s Duncan. I’m a green-furred troublemaker that a lot a folks look up at.


Who’s next?

58 406

...and Phraggle...and Roomeister...and ...and ...

2 15

Looks like gave me a new toy to play with!!

2 44