

Lokalni ekspert za Fantaziju. Musliman.
Čitač, crtač, pisač.
Mačevi, kahva, suho meso i historija.
Ne volim Vilenjake.

フォロー数:1021 フォロワー数:1874

"The Huntress"

An Aforian warrior who hunts all kinds of desert monsters and fights against the Savage Cannibal tribes of the Aforian North.

5 16

Here's a little WIP for you guis and gals

"Aforian Huntress"

1 13

The Aegis of the Citadel; Heir of Artorias; His Radiant Majesty; Lord of Elderhearth and Heir to the Crown of the Empire of Dawn:

Emperor Uther (Wolfswood) Dawnbringer

0 3

Would be a bit weird calling this guy Pepelko hahahah

0 1

Nacrto sam Bigija

the Space Wolf Captain

1 69

brzinski sketch lika koji je baziran po meni u fantasy svijetu od

0 10

uletio nekim artistima na hangout, nacrto Venoma i pobjego

0 11