Dungeons and Possumsさんのプロフィール画像

Dungeons and Possumsさんのイラストまとめ

D&D things, by a fan of stupid trash animals. I want to share positivity and creativity. He/Him. 🇨🇦🇺🇲🏳️‍🌈 patreon.com/dungeonspossums

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:1658

I posted a blog article I wrote a week or two ago. Ive really meant to post much more but my day job workload is unflinchingly ridiculous this year, Im in the midst of a move to a nicer place, and Blogger has gone & savaged their UI... Sigh.

Anyway. 😅


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I drew this little guy awhile back just to play around with brushes.

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Zzzzz - I could use more sleep!

2 22

I hit Publish on a new blog post - this is the one I wrote, then talked to & my wife to be sure it was acceptable for publication.

CW for violence against the young, the old, male, female, etc; also blasphemies, dark cults, and body horror.


5 29

Hey, Twitter: it's three months late but I was resurrected after the new year so let's talk 2020 Game Resolutions.

Mine are:
1. Make more stuff - complete one big project at least
2. Buy
3. Play one-shot
4. Start campaign

How bout yall?

4 66

Reading thru some zines from last year's ZQ.

Specifically, reading thru all of Beneath the Canals, a zini anthology by Many People c/o

Just wanna say:
Craft & Violence by and is gorgeous and brilliant.

2 10

Good morning, Twitter!

Time is very much running out (or already lost to the temporovorous wyrms of the hourglass) on the first wave of projects!

Go here to see what youre missing & maybe get in on some campaigns:



8 15

Tomorrow I self-indulgently post a wrap-up for the first week of covering & adjacent zines that I, personally, am interested in!

Today, here's a catch-up for the week:


Go see! 😊

3 16

I drew a bird.

I guess he's pretty and I should write a random advancement table for him to be a class.

Or you could just wing it.

That pun was not intended.

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