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This is a segment from some art that @How21011 made for me. I am using this as a pfp.
Looks like Dusky got turned into his own Umbreon Art by a certain guest starring fox by the name of @How21011.
This new profile picture was made by @How21011 as an Icon for me...
I... I feel happy... And blissful... I... DoN't ThInK i NeEd To UsE aIr AnD fOoD aNyMoRe... WhAt WoUlD tHe PoInT bE?... i'M mAdE oF rUbBeR nOw! RuBbEr DoEsN't NeEd AiR oR fOoD!
I edited the pictures where I turned @How21011 and @Akaji_lion into paint to the point that the text bubbles are now readable.