

g_z of #AKscans. Mostly RTs of neat stuff (🎮,🏍️,🏎️,🔫,👯‍♀️,/ak/...) from my TL with the occasional scanlation release ping. En/Es. CHA is my dump stat 😓.

フォロー数:5997 フォロワー数:1037

Can't find a source for this... p cool tho 😂

42 242

"Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves"

9 16

It's like that meme with increasingly shitty mspaint redraws of the original.

Sadly not the worst thing that happened to Firefox. https://t.co/Y60T3nUAzF

1 3

Ah, 2 AM... 💤

3 11

Stitched together a bunch of panning shots back when I watched this the first time.

2 6

Here goes nothing lol!

3 7

No idea who did this but I lol'd, bravo.
Lulz of Us 2 is rn my GOTY that I'll never be arsed to play since its LOLcow of a development cycle and release has given me more amusement for free than quite a few full price games I've actually bought 😂

4 11

[AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 02 [2839159D].mkv

9 18

That game was awesome.
Not super obscure, but sometimes feels underappreciated.

9 17