

ESP/ENG | Graphic designer & Freelance Illustrator | Mexican 🇲🇽 | Megaman Fan 🤖🍋 | Instagram: @efextex | Support me: ko-fi.com/efextex

フォロー数:811 フォロワー数:9311

Cut & Guts - Nerd and Jock (comic) Parody

262 1151

Megaman Battle Network - Medabots (GBA) Parody

76 311

Sigma's Fortress

247 1024

Rush´s Clues - Blues clues parody

54 262

⚛️ Shield Sheldon: BAZINGA! [Laugh Track]

58 290

❤️Get equipped with my affection ❤️

75 336

Megaman ZX- Pokemon Parody

177 743