

NSFW Account.
Commercial account, NSFW and SFW commissions alike shown on profile.
Owner of Annigosa.

フォロー数:2317 フォロワー数:1086

I've been getting alot of now followers recently and i just wanted to say Hi! Welcome and enjoy a pic of my OC, because this is all what my twitter is for. =)

This is done by the madlad who gave Anni long eyebrows.

Playing with fire he is ... :3

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I have a portfolio og my OC you can ask for in Pm's if this lady interest you :)

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I have my Annigosa.

She's a keeper and protector og the Quel'dorei Heritage and tries to wear and share the knowledge with the Sin'dorei who moved on. She have an appeal to the Alliance now for what they missed out on by not assisting the elves all the magic knowledge they lost

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Hope you feel better after drawing a bit. My OC Annigosa loves to get drawn she even have baby dragons that No one have painted yet so i Will reference something Hella cute If you feel like painting baby dragons!

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💕😊. Merry Christmas

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