

rus/eng 🧊🍐/💀🍓/🌹🎻/🚀🃏/🌱⚖️/☂️🔮/🔶️💧(🔄) /🌧☀️

bleach, dr stone,genshin impact artist,
art's in media

フォロー数:306 フォロワー数:1279

I can 't get rid of the idea that haino has paired constellations
because the jackal is a reference to Anubis the judge of the world of the dead and the falcon is a reference to Horus the king of heaven and who is also the prototype of King Deshret🌱⚖️

33 144

🌱⚖️ Even Nillou, who borrowed the dress, knew what was going to happen😘

26 205


32 118

× Wotakoi: love is hard for otaku 🌱⚖️

11 73

