

I create games, illustrations, and more under the motto "Making works that everyone in the world can enjoy". The representative work is the GROW series.

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:11241

[The final Crowdfunding (please RT)]
I want to have a heart surgery.
I want to recover my body and live as a creator again.

1327 1494

Everyone, thank you for your kind words.
After taking medicine, the pain has pulled.
I will consult with the doctor to decide the date of the operation.
I recovered a little, so I resumed game production.
I am making a zombie game now!

7 109

I was diagnosed with heart failure yesterday.
Moreover, heart surgery is necessary.
Well, what is it ...

13 152

I rebuilt GROW CUBE in HTML5.
You can play on smartphone immediately.
Let's play for the first time in a while!

154 351

GROW Thanks

It is a mini GROW made for Crowdfunding,
Although I was planning a mini-mini game, I made it quite well so please try to play (you can still purchase it)
To be honest, the funds are quite pinch!

25 81

Apart from pneumonia, the doctor told me "I hear noise from your heart."
There seems to be no particular problem, but I am a bit negative.
My body...

4 48

The number of the croud-funding supporters break over 150 people!
Thank you for all.
I'm glad to reach and over it.
I updated the [EYEZMAZE characters Who's who ]

9 32

[ Regular tweet (please RT) ]
<< GROW Revival Project >>
Big thanks🌟Updating the helling EYEZMAZE character pictures!

31 46