

Updates on your cosmos and world.

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Sagittarius? Here’s your constellation 🌌

How to find Sagittarius on August evenings, plus the lore and science of this constellation. Find links to the rest of the zodiac constellations at the bottom of this post:

Image via

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The Hubble Space Telescope celebrated its 30th anniversary last week 🛰

Launched April 24, 1990, it's spent 3 decades acquiring magnificent images of distant space objects, providing a "time machine" for astronomers. Read more and watch a video.: 👓👀

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On Wednesday and Thursday mornings, you’ll see the moon in the planets’ midst. Read more

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This week … Moon to sweep near 3 morning planets 🌘🌌

Before daybreak this week, watch for the moon to sweep near Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Read more: 👓

Image via EarthSky.

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Gemini? Here's your constellation 🌌

Most people see the constellation Gemini as just 2 bright stars - Castor and Pollux - sometimes called the Gemini twins. These two stars aren't twins, of course. Read more: 👓

Image via Wikipedia.

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Astronomers report on the very distant galaxy XMM-2599. It existed when the universe was very young, yet contains some 300 billion stars. It must have formed stars at a very rapid rate and then stopped. Why? Read more to find out

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See all 5 bright planets in February 🌌

To see the remaining 3 planets, you'll have to get up early. Look east! A string of planets – Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – beautifies the February morning sky. Jupiter is brighter than Mars or Saturn. Read more: 👓

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Tonight, let the constellation Orion the Hunter show you the approximate possible position of the hypothetical Planet 9 in the starry sky. As of now, nobody has yet seen this solar system planet, sometimes called Planet X. Read more

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Which spiral arm of the Milky Way contains our sun? 🌌

Our Milky Way galaxy is the island of stars we call home. Our sun is about a third of the way from the center to the visible edge. Read more: 👓

Image via NASA/ JPL-Caltech/ R. Hurt.

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Check out gigantic spiral galaxy UGC 2885. It's 232 million light-years away - 2.5 times wider than our Milky Way - with 10 times as many stars.

This image was created in part as a tribute to astronomer Vera Rubin, a dark matter pioneer.


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