

Mapping the Stars. Adam 'The Brilliant One'➔Göbekli Tepe... Abraham "Lord of Eternity" the White Temple➔..Dendera. The Hero Twins. Grail Quest, the Amduat.

フォロー数:6581 フォロワー数:18224

"Archangel Michael". And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him.

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At this point in the story (hour 11, 3150 BC) MAN has control (measured) of the 'World-encircler', Apophis (12 Zodiacs).

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Hour 2, The Rise of Man. At this point in the story, Man had not yet fulfilled its function & was still bound to the earth. But the 1st guy in the 1st pic initiated the plan by sending out his 'sons' so that Man would not be bound to the Earth+.

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