Edward del Villarさんのプロフィール画像

Edward del Villarさんのイラストまとめ

Tech Artist at Monomi Park. VFX, Shaders, Modelling, Animation and Code.

フォロー数:1316 フォロワー数:5351

And of course a Hammer variation, because you cant have Hammergrind without hammer.

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I made this. Please find invoice attached.

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I also made a simple example Unity scene of how to adjust shader properties via UI events. Hopefully it's helpful to somebody - have at it!


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Downscope regularly and stay healthy! A downscope a day keeps the insanity away. Have you downscoped recently?

"When a feature comes along,
you must cut it.
When something's going wrong,
you must cut it.
Now ship it!
...It's not too late,
to ship it,
Ship it good."

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A teleport dissolve, stolen straight from Breath of the Wild and delivered to Unity ...because why not pilfer the tastiest morsels from such a mouth-watering visual banquet?

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Eww, that's weird. I wonder if it has anything to do with them being used to a first person camera character, not needing to worry about how that looks, and then trying to wrangle that character rig into third person?

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It was this desktop widget thing that slowly filled up your screen with sheep and they'd start walking around and falling off windows and generally doing sheepy shenanigans.

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Oh the mischief we used to get up to! Simpler times.

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Here it is with less texture, more sketch-ure. I'm starting to think that shadows should always be filled with screenspace *something*, because that's a very pretty thing to do to shadows.

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After splitting a HUGE world (Many Fillions of kilometres) into multiple scaled cameras, you can blend with depth to get a LoD fade in effect. Here's a quick one with dither, but smooth transparency should work too via post-process compositing.

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