To A Brighter Dawn (An Edelthea Zine)さんのプロフィール画像

To A Brighter Dawn (An Edelthea Zine)さんのイラストまとめ

A charity zine dedicated to the relationship of Edelgard von Hresvelg and Dorothea Arnault.
CuriousCat: EdeltheaZine

フォロー数:6 フォロワー数:182

Today's spotlight is Mari ()! They crave good WLW content, and thus will deliver such content in our fanzine!

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Today's spotlight is Isa ()! An artist that is stuck in FE3H hell, just like many of us working on this zine!

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Today's (to make up for yesterday) spotlight is Gabs ()! She is an excellent artist that is also contributing to the Doropetra Fanzine; in short, how lucky we are to have her!

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Today's spotlight is Bringmemisery ()! Our first artist to introduce, and a fine one at that!

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Today's contributor spotlight is Alainey ()! Another wonderful writer to the fanzine joins us, and we are excited for what they have to contribute!

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It's spotlight time~! To start with today, our contributor is Ama Leigh ()! Ama Leigh is one of our honoured and delightful writers for the zine! Welcome aboard!

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Only two days until interest checks close for 'To a Brighter Dawn' (An Edelthea Fanzine)! Let's try to get to 120 so that little lonely Edelgard here can know that Dorothea loves her!

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15 more interest checks left until 'To A Brighter Dawn' (An Edelthea Fanzine) reaches 120! If we get to 120 then the lonesome Hegemon Edelgar will get a hug and kiss from Dorothea, whom will dub her 'Hedgie Edie'!

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Hi! Thank you to everyone who's followed so far! This is "To a Brighter Dawn" a zine dedicated to Edelgard and Dorothea. Interest checks open June 1st! Be on the lookout for more information coming soon

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