

Artist and Comic Guy. Occasionally does Tabletop.
Has Tumblr: edspear.tumblr.com
Has a webcomic: colonycorps.com

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Did I ever mention that I paint and 3d print? I also do a bit of modeling, but most of the time I wind up kitbashing things together. Pics related are from a recent tabletop session in Glowing people amirite?

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Because I don't do enough side projects (too many). I present the Slimeflayer, inspired mostly by and his cute videos combining pokemans and dnd monsters. Mindflayer and Grimer combine to make this sludgy failure and total loss of face for Abbarent Science Community.

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Been watching a let's play recently. World full of robots, kung-fu, and kung-fu robots. I ought to try it out sometime.

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Right on then. Sorry for the long wait. Like I said, was waiting on a few more responses. That have yet to come but I've got some flat colors done. Gonna detail it up As I work on other pieces.

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Another illustration of Fourteen.

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War Hero, Pacifist, Licensed Surgeon with a passion for "disemboweling and then putting new things all up in there"... for good reasons.

Pascal VanVega is my delightfully delusional character from a game of ffg I play with friends on Sundays.

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Just a few very quick pictures I sketched up for a Discord RPG I'm in.

Incidentally am I doing hashtags right?

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