

Hello! I'm Lily, she/her, adult, demiromantic lesbian, artist. Kissing @saphitheweeb

フォロー数:395 フォロワー数:108

Fun fact! I really like doing Puyo Puyo x Pokemon fusions! I'll be posting the ones I have drawn beforehand daily. First we have my favorite, Ex Lunala! He's very pretty... Although his wings are a pain to draw.

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The second fakemon Eeveelution I've made that currently has a good ref is Drakeon, a dragon type Eeveelution! I've had this one for so long and it's been redesigned a few times... I miss making Pokemon, I need to do it more

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Um! First art post so its going to be awkward till I figure out what I'm doing...

Ex from Puyo Puyo Tetris! I gave him some flowers because he deserves some... I love him very much

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