

(In progress)

フォロー数:2328 フォロワー数:1002

At night a huge shockwave came out of the satellites of Maria's Empire simular to that of a Emp

But all the EggGals, Maria and her all female empire suddenly fell and were in a deep sleep....

A Big chested Hybrid Rabbit Fox with a laptop seemed to have caused itaA purpla

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//Well.... wtf with a free mission ticket this would make so many salty people

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//Which out of these Christmas outfits you think is best for Maria?

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//Let me rephrase my questiom

Are there Female ocs designed like Sally with little to no clothes

Like how Sonic males dont wear any

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She soon got a grin on her face.... "Maybe... this is what i needed for my new suit power.... if i can combine this with a phantom ruby..... i could genderswap any man at anytime oh ho ho!!!

She had such devilish face "My data told me it has femine transformative powers!!!" +

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Name: Honey the Cat

Rank: Personal Designer to the Empire, Executioner and Warden to EggGal Prison(Including controling Slavery jobs)

Relationship to Maria: She designs the EggGal uniforms and Maria's Personal wardrobe, Maria had turned her into a Sadistic Mobian +

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Name: Mina Mongoose

Rank: Entertainer and Major of Neo Metropolis

Relationship to Maria: Made a deal with Maria to have her be funded for the rest of her life as well become a major of her all female empire and entertain as much as she wanted... pretty much is spoiled +

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Name: Bunnie Rabbot

Rank: Weopon and Mech Commander

Relationship to Maria: Maria gave her far more advanced limbs and has slept with Maria before allows her full access to the lab to create mech suits and weopons to use for the empire


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//I might do a Halloween Event all of October maybe with Maria in as a angel all mouth i dont why im just feeling all spirited for Halloween

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"Im bored someone sit on my lap.... and i tell you what my reaction will be"

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